My not so popular opinion.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Flashback Friday

In leiu of this being Halloween, I thought I would share a photo from last years halloween festivities.

And here is one from this year. And yes, Kiara is wearing FAKE glasses! She has been wearing them to school as well because she just loves to look just like Kellyn. In fact she cried at the eye doctors office because she didn't need glasses as I was jumping up and down with glee! None the less, the fake plastic glasses are still doing their trick!

Have a safe and happy halloween everyone!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My biggest pet peeve.


Ok, this might come off as a rant and I don't know that I care...but honestly people!

If you choose to display your life as being perfect you are not only lying to others but you are lying to yourself.

And I have no idea how you expect to grow if you are constantly telling others that things are perfect. Especially as you are telling them that you value their friendship or that you need them in your life.

So please I am begging you...get real!

And just for the record
1. My marriage is not perfect
2. I am not the perfect mother
3. My life is not perfect
4. My house is certainly not perfect or perfectly clean
5. My relationship with God is not perfect


Thankfully God created us to be not perfect but made new in him. OH THANK YOU FOR SAVING GRACE!

And he created us as women to come alongside of each other during "not so perfect" times.

P.S.-I have decided that when women choose to pretend that things are perfect it is because they don't trust each other. It's almost like trusting that their friends could be there for them is too scary.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Flashback Friday.

These are pictures from when the twins were 4 months old. I am not really sure who is who in the picture but I do know that I loved that outfit that they are wearing because it is green and not pink! I had alot of pink.

My sister leah is holding the babies in the tip left picture. She is now a junior in high school.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Update from the house!

Just for you leah!(She says I need to update more!)

Well, alot of things have been going on(as usual). I thought I would share the highlights!

-My grandma's test results came back and her cancer is localized to one kidney. This is GREAT GREAT GREAT news because she should be able to have remove the cancer completely without furthur cemo or radiation! Praise God!

-Sean found out that YES indeed he did pass his weld inspection test. This is really great news because it has a very high failure rate and means that he is now... Sean Carey C.W.I. Something that he has wanted and will increase his income and job security! Praise God!

-I am a busy girl as usual! I am working hard at acheiving my cruise goal and am past 40% at the moment! I have until the end of July to reach the 100% mark! SWEEEEET! I have something like 13 parties in the beginning of November! Praise God!

-The guinea pigs are doing great. We are working on accuratly determining their genders so that they can be "picked" out for their new homes! Really people...guinea pigs are great pets! I am surprised at just how friendly and fun they are! Still no bites!

Other than that, the girls are all doing well. I can't believe it is almost November and I am dreading the Illinois winter. Too cold, too frigid, too much snow! But I do love that we have seasons when there are some who don't. I love fall and pray it sticks around for a long time!

Oh yeah, Kyla got her hair cut off! She was able to donate her hair to locks of love and this is her new do!

And here is Gracie at her first hair cut!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ah hem...excuse me...what is this???

Oh are the babies that the two preggo guines delivered this afternoon...about 30 minutes apart.

Finally got my pictures from our Chicago trip!

Awhile ago I went on a girls night out to Chicago with some of my friends. We stayed at some hotel(I can't remember), and ate at the melting pot downtown. It was great and much needed when you always have little ones at your feet. Here are some of the pics!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Check this out?

Have you seen these yet? I was pleasantly surprised to find these in the Farm and Fleet toyland catalog after seeing them in the Parents magazine as one of the hottest toys of the season.

I think K4 will LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!! Now...trying to find them all, without breaking the bank! I have always been a sucker for super grover!!!

Here is a link to what amazon has available.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

You can now order online!!!

AWESOME! Now you can go to my website and order securly with the orders shipping to your house!

SWEET!!! Check it out

Monday, October 13, 2008

The maternity ward.

Need I say more???


Apparently Stephanie loves my blog and has tagged me.

Here are the rules:
I have to answer the following questions with one word answers and one word only!
Then I must pass it on to seven others.

The questions are as follows:
1.Where is your cell phone? Ummm...I think in my drawer???
2.Where is your significant other? Working
3.Your hair color? Dark Brown
4.Your mother? Kind
5.Your father? In Charge
6.Your favorite thing? ever???? Seafood?
7.Your dream last night? I don't remember.
8.Your dream/goal? Goal is to reach my FREE cruise!
9.The room you're in? Rec
10.Your hobby? Stamping
11.Your fear? Suffocation
12.Where do you want to be in 6 years? not in a looney bin!
13.Where were you last night? home
14.What you're not? a follower
15.One of your wish list items? Grandma's health
16.Where you grew up? Canada/Wheaton/Woodstock
17.The last thing you did? Packets for work
18.What are you wearing? shorts and a tshirt
19.Your t.v.? upstairs and colored???
20.Your pet? Oh no...Um 7 fish and 6 guinea pigs...
21.Your computer? Annoying slow!
22.Your mood? Anxious
23.Missing someone? Sure
24.Your car? Soccer mom mobile
25.Something you're not wearing? glasses
26.Favorite store? lately...Petco or Petsmart :)
27.Your summer? busy
28.Love someone? yes
29.Favorite color? dark blue
30.Last time you laughed? today
31.Last time you cried? Thursday

Tip time Monday!

Well, I have been slacking!

No longer can I afford the luxury of the "woo hoo I am breastfeeding and losing weight like a shrinking woman" syndrome!

So, I thought I would post a tip. Something that has worked for me in the past and because I am re-dedicated, *should* work for me again!

Here we go-

Tip #1

When starting a diet(I am still doing points) try to schedule a daily routine.

So for example-

steel cut oats(7 points)
Coffee(1 point)

Lean Cuisine Meal(between 4 and 7 points)
Piece of fruit(between 1 and 2 points depending on the size)

Huemungo Salad(between 8 and 10 point)

I will then follow the same schedule for about a week. This trains my brain and stomache to begin to realize that feedings are not a free for all!

When this is working I will switch things in and out. Like 1 point yogurt, small ice cream cups, fiber one cereal etc.

Oh and I only drink coffee, water, and tea during this "phase".

I am not sure if this helps but it has certainly helped me in the past!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Some cuddle time

Where the rubber hits the road.

Grandma called me last week. She got the results of her biopsy and


Well, that news hit me weird. Its not like we didn't know that cancer could be a possiblity. When you hear the words "mass" or "biopsy" you tend to think of all the possibilities. So when she called with the news I had already prepared myself for the worst news. And now that the dreaded "C" word has been made known we are in a different ballpark.

There are a few things that we know for certain in what seems like a sea of unknowns.

1. God is still here. He isn't surprised, or "worried". He promises to be there for Grandma and his word is true. This might sound like "religious words" that people say to make themselves think that things are ok, but God has been faithful and I am certain he will continue to be.

2. Kidney cancer is not a terrible cancer to have. WOW! I say this with my tougue firmly placed on my cheek. I don't have any type of cancer at the moment so I probably shouldn't be saying this. It's just that as my sister Leah pointed out "you have two kidneys and people are lining up to give theirs away!". Nice. It's true though. If this cancer hasn't gone travelling then losing a kidney to get rid of this isn't the worse thing that could happen. People live complete normal lives with just one kidney.

3. Grandma is in the care of doctors that she trusts and has people surrounding her who love her and can take care of her. I think it would be fantastic if grandma called and said "I'm coming to stay forever right now!" but that isn't happening at the moment. Grandma is a nurse by trade and has nurse friends who know how to care for others. So, at the moment(hopefully sooner than later though) grandma will stay in her town. She worked at the hospital which she will more than likely have the surgery in and knows the people. Quite an advantage in this day and age!

So, there you have it folks. Grandma's news changes our lives but not our faith. We still trust that God is in control and I am so glad!!! If I had to figure out this one on my own I would be lost.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

And a few more...

Here are the two babies that we left on Saturday at the rescue. We told the rescue owner(who really only rescues bunnies) that we would come back for them if she didn't find a home for them.

So, they are pretty little still. About 1/2 the size of the big girls(and about 1/3 the size of cinder!). They are red and white and sisters from the same litter.

They are named Autumn and Bridget.

Here they are!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Here they are!

We picked up these FOUR girls from the rescue on Saturday and have had so much fun getting to know them and watch them play! For those who are wondering...they haven't bitten us once!!!

Here are some pictures!

This is their cage. It is made of the cube sets that stack. This is a great way to make a cheap but big cage so that they have alot of free play room. There is even a "balcony" for those who would like to get away from the crowd for a bit!

This is Kyla's piggy Ariel.

This is Aurora who belongs to Kiara.

This is Cinderella or Cinder for short. She belongs to Kellyn.

This is Luca. She belongs to all of us. We weren't intending to get four piggies but she had just had her babies taken from her too early and was just so sweet and calm...we couldn't resist!

So there you have it! They are pretty cool and are getting along quite well!

Friday, October 3, 2008

And even now...

I am reminded softly of my grandma who had her biopsy today.

Oh sweet Jesus, Savior of the world, come now and show yourself. Be there with grandma in the quiet of her day. Speak to her the reassurance that only you can give. Heal anything inside that needs healing. We praise you because you have called us by name and I praise you because you called grandma before me to be a beacon of light in our family. I thank you for her today and always. In Jesus' name- Amen.

Do you know this site???

For those of us moms who are always looking for a great day outdoors in the fall, I happend upon this site. I hope you can find it just as helpful as I have.

And...I was always looking for a Christmas Tree Farm list!!!

Flashback Friday

Wow, I love this idea! Thanks to this blog which I read daily, I have decided to try to do one of these per week.

This might not be too much of a "flashback" but I do feel like this picture reminds me of ancient history.

I don't know about you but every time I have a baby I quickly lose the memories of that time in labor, or the times holding my baby for the first times, nursing her, bonding...

I often catch a glimpse of who my babies were when they were little from photos or videos and am smacked in the face again. Oh so badly I want to stop time.

They are growing and the one in the picture is now saying words like "backpack"...YIKES! That is kinda crazy!

And now that Sean and I are approaching the date that we met almost 10 years ago I have found myself stumbling to remember what it was like. I ask him to remind me about those first few days. Not because I feel like what we have now isn't enough but because I am afraid I am losing the memories.

So here is my question.... How do you stop time? How do you remember to savour every moment? I wonder what it would look like for God to slow me down and remind me of the sweetness that each stage in life brings???

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Wednesday, October 1

Poster All Worship Night (7 p.m.)
Willow Creek McHenry County welcomes Charlie Hall and his band to their stage at 220 Exchange Dr. on Wednesday, October 1, at 7 p.m.

Since 1991, Charlie Hall has been traveling, songwriting, and sharing life with people in his home of Oklahoma City, and across the United States, and even across several oceans. Charlie has created several albums of diverse music. The latest is "The Bright Sadness".

The concert is free to the public. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Childcare is available for children up to 5 years of age.

We are getting a new pet!

Some would guess the typical, cat, etc.

But we are getting a CAVY!!!

What is a cavy you ask??? Well the other name for Cavy is Guinea Pig!

Sean and I have been thinking about getting a dog for awhile now and although we think we could handle the responsibility we decided that for the time being we needed to get something that was a little less reliant on our schedules.

So we have been researching Guinea Pigs and have taken a first step towards owning a pair(they apparently like to be with a friend), by purchasing these wire cube kits. They are used to create an enclosure that will allow free range and a greater space than the old plastic cages would.

There have been some really great websites that have helped with our decision and "layout" for our cage.

One such website is here.

I was absolutly amazed when I realized just how neat this could be. We are excited to be on the road to cavy ownership!!!! And I am so glad the girls are participating in the steps that it will take to bring ours home.