My not so popular opinion.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Totally Worth It!!!

Well...I did something this morning that I would have never thought of doing a few years ago.

I stood in line for 3 hours waiting for a door to open.


Yep...I did. In fact I was at the opening of Spring Hill Mall at 1am to enter the drawing for the Wii and Ipods but were THOUSANDS of other shoppers.(Ummm...honestly I thought it was going to be me and 25 other people all trying to win 10 or so Wii' niave right???) I had with me my brother Kyle who was home from college and my sister Tara. I was the first in the door for the gymboree 30%off PLUS 20% off sale and was able to buy two outfits for Kyla that she was GUSHING over yesterday. Then we walked around, entered the drawing and realized that we "would not be winning" and left.

That's where things got interesting. We drove down Randall Road looking at the lines that were accumulating outside the various stores with amazement. It was only 2:30am and stores had tremendous lines. Kyle wanted a 19" LCD flatscreen TV that they had on special at Target so we drove over there to take our rightful place in what we thought would be a tremendous line...

Our tremendous line turned out to be....NO ONE!!!!

Kyle and I were the first in line at Target on Randall at 3am. And we sat on the ground in 22 degree weather waiting for the doors to open. I figured I would buy a Wii if they had one but as it turned out they didn't. Kyle got his tv and I actually scored the Hannah Montana friends Barbie doll three pack. Major score this season! It will go to Kyla for Christmas. I also was able to get my hands on some awesome door busters that I know were gone within minutes. It was a mad house but it felt so good to be first!

The best part honestly...was the time spent with Kyle(Tara slept in the van). I wouldn't have spent those three precious hours with "just a crowd of people". It was a pretty funny(I had the line behind us laughing all morning)memory that I know we will look fondly of in the future. It was worth it!

And thanks go to my wonderful husband who not only stayed with my kiddos(because only crazy people bring their kids with them!)but didn't tell me that he got another bonus this last week because he wanted to surprise me with it. What a guy. He is such a hard worker and I am so glad he is seeing that pay off big time. He deserves it!

So what am I thankful for??? Not the door buster deals...but the memories that fill our hearts at this time and the blessings that come unexpectedly from our Savior.

"At the start of the day I will lift my hands and say- THANK YOU LORD FOR ANOTHER CHANCE TO WORSHIP YOU!!!!"

Monday, November 19, 2007

At least we are making progress!!!!

Well today Sean had an appointment with a doctor in Chicago. THANKFULLY we are moving towards progress! The doctor told him that he would need a test(scheduled for this Wednesday...the Wednesday in two days!) to make a definative diagnosis but he feels that he has tendon damage that will require surgery OR scar tissue that will need a less invasive surgery or both. WE ARE JUST HAPPY THAT HE SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG. We know that there is something wrong but everytime a doctor agrees we feel that we need to take a huge sigh of relief. This process is a long one as you have heard is difficult to see Sean in pain but I have felt such peace lately. God is in control of this situation and he knows his plan. That has been my bottom line lately.

I would like to share my peace from today. This is from today's passage in Beth Moore's "Praying God's Word Day by Day"

November 19th


Glorious Lord God, one day I will hear a loud voice from Your throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them." We will be Your people, and You Yourself will be with us and be our God.

You will wipe away every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things will pass away. You who are seated on the throne will say, "I am making everything new!" These words are trustworthy and true!(Rev. 21:3-5)

Lord God, help me presently believe, then one day see, that my present sufferings cannot be compared to the glory that YOU will reveal in me(Rom8:18)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Just a few tidbits from my everyday life....

So I thought I would share a few of my favorite "deal" websites. I have gotten some fantastic deals lately.

First and foremost... has some of the most up to the minute deals on the net. This is where I was able to get my Shape magazine subscription for $3 for three years. Nothing beats $1 per year. Especially Shape! I love it. I just got a magazine for Sean yesterday too.

Secondly...there isn't any major purchase that I don't run through the website. I have used it on pairs of shoes for my siblings, oldnavy codes and recently I have been watching for a free shipping code for American Girl.

Also thought that today's Oprah was worth a mention. I know that some of you don't like Oprah but I TIVO her daily. I think pick and choose which ones I watch.

SO...on to the part that was worth mentioning....

The topic yesterday and today was "the secret life of hoarders" and was about a woman who had 75 tons of STUFF inside her home. It was so terrible that she wasn't able to see a clear spot in her house and some rooms were piled up to the ceiling with stuff. The strangest part...SHE IS MARRIED!!!! Sean would have put an end to that a long time before it became a problem!

The reason I bring it up is because I was wondering if you feel like you are a packrat? My mom is. Not to the point of it becomming a problem but she is a "saver". She has a hard time throwing out things and I know that it is probably a genetic problem! Her mom is the same way. We joke at Christmas time about how we shouldn't rip the paper because mom would want to save it. What do you find hard to get rid of? Do you throw out stuff or give it away as you get new stuff?

I seriously watched the show got up and started throwing things away! I couldn't believe how "normal" the woman seemed but she lived in a dump. It actually feels good to remind myself that things are just things. I can't take them with me and honestly I don't "need" them. I have so much and so much to be thankful for!

Ok... so last tidbit! Anyone see a good movie with your spouse lately? Sean and I are going away and although I am sure we could walk around the mall for hours honestly...I don't have money and malls are depressing when you don't have money! So...I was thinking that we could go to a movie. One that doesn't contain bees, ogres or cartoon characters please!!!


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Are you crunchy?

A few months ago we were talking about "granola moms" or "crunchy" moms so here is a survey to see where you are at. I got a 74.

Where are you?

I am blessed!

I have never felt so much love on my birthday! THANK YOU to everyone who remembered me. It was actually kinda comical! Between people dropping by(with gifts I might add!!!), emails, and phone calls I know true well...I AM BLESSED.

A few highlights of my day-

My mom spending the day with me and my kiddos at our house! It was just nice to have someone to share the day. She brought be whole wheat muffins, coffee and acai juice!!! NICE MOMMA!!! She knew better than bring stuff I wouldn't eat. She also brought me a gift card for dinner while we are away.

Kathy G showing up with a card and non "whole wheat" goodies. She didn't call...she didn't ask...she just came. That was really nice.

Kendell slept the whole night prior to my birthday. That was a gift after whe didn't sleep hardly at all the night before(we are having bm issues!).

Becki R. made me a really cool notepad binder. Handmade!!! WOW! And she used a really cool fabric! I really appreciate it and will be the coolest mom at the pto meeting!!! Oh wait...I might have already had this title. J/K

And who can forget Beth's ever present reminder of blessing in my life. We are planning on getting away some time soon.

I also got to workout with Mollie after mom's group. I LOVE WORKING OUT WITH PEOPLE!!! Don't get me wrong...I love having good music to listen to every once and awhile, but I like talking to someone more. It makes my workout go by quicker and it is always fun to share this journey with someone.

On Saturday Sean and I are getting away for the night. It will be wonderful and scary at the same time(I am leaving Kendell for the first time), but I feel secure with our sitters. I hope we can spend time growing as a couple and enjoying each other. I think that I get caught up in the "daily grind" and often find myself thinking that I would like to tell him so much that I just forget to. But then again...we find ourselves talking about the kids when we are gone from them. Our lives are intertwined with them and I am BLESSED to have a husband who shares in the joys and sorrows of our children. He truly is the best dad I know!

So those are just the highlights. There were many calls, emails and a few others who stopped by. I love you all and really feel blessed by you. I can only hope that your birthdays will be as blessed as mine was!


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Here they are...8 random things....YIKES!

Beth tagged me to write 8 random things about me. So I will give it a shot!

1. I have an obsession for CERTAIN types of water. I only like Chlorinated water(sp?). At the top of that list is Aquafina. I like that it tastes like pool water, and for some strange tastes pure. Who knows???

2. I am from Canada eh??? Yeah. True story! My mom and dad moved here when I was 4 and my brother was 6 months old. We came because my dad was going to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and we lived in Wheaton until second grade.

3. I always have my toes painted. Always. I actually feel uncomfortable if they get a chip in them or if they are completely undone.

4. I always wear a bra. Sean just reminded me of this. I take it off to shower, change or know ;)

5. I don't like to put my hand in a tub of stangnite water. Especially if the water is cold. I don't know why...but it gives me the heeby-jeebies!

6. I have been nursing or pregnant for 71 months of my life!!! That is almost 6 years!!!!!

7. I always cough when I clean my ears. Sean reminded me of that one too.

8. I get so excited about my birthday. I mean...annoyingly excited. I remind people how many days there are left(btw...j/k), ask them what they are going to get me, and make sure to drop hints to those in my life who I know are going to get me something...I want to make sure they will get the right something. I don't know if it is really about the gifts...I think it is more about people remembering ME! That sounds silly...but I am always kinda let down. Maybe I shouldn't get so excited!

So there they are...I am now going to tag Sarah, Alicia and Becki!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Now this is an interesting verse...

Matthew 12:34 For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

Ok...I paused because well everyone knows...I am a talker. And things that I am very passionate about I really can't stop talking about(lately i.e. baby food making, cloth diapering, working out, weightwatchers....yadda yadda yadda!)

But this verse made me think...(use your God voice) "Erin SHUT UP UNTIL YOU HAVE ENOUGH OF ME TO SPEAK OF IT" Does that make sense? In other my actions follow my words? Oh about conviction...I have been convicted on lots this week. I am sure I will update furthur later.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Frantic Believing

On Saturday night I had the pleasure to go to Harvest Bible in Rolling Meadows for their evening service. If you haven't gone, it is a big church in a warehouse type building.

During the offeratory(sp?)the woman who was singing sang two words that I swear were in that song just for me. FRANTIC BELIEVING. That is where I am. This is not a place of doubt. And I know that the two words together don't even sound like "christianity". But I am frantically believing that God's promises are true. I am frantically believing that he has a plan. I am frantically holding his hand because I have realized yet again...

i can't do this on my own

I try to control my life. I try to control my children. I try to control our finances. I try to take it all on myself so that no one else feels stress.

i am not enough

I am choosing to trust. I am giving God my pain like he has asked me to. I am giving God my stress, problems, and anxiety. I am giving God my Fridays!

God is doing a work in me

And I am going to let him. I am going to "cast all my cares upon him because HE CARES FOR ME". I am going to trust. And I am going to FRANTICALLY BELIEVE that he will do what he promised.

thats just where I am