My not so popular opinion.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Update on my weight loss journey!

Well...I realized that it has been quite awhile since I last updated you on my journey(10/3 was last mention), so I thought I would update you on my struggles and sucesses!

I am excited to report that since my last post I am down another 11.4 pounds! That is with the CRAZY holiday eating!

I ate what I wanted during Christmas and although I know that I ate things that weren't "on program" for me I have learned a few things about myself in the process-

-it is ok to enjoy holiday foods as long as you eat in moderation.
-I am not afraid to gain a pound because I know that my body is in a place where it can burn it off relatively quickly.
-THROW OUT THE CHOCOLATE!!!( major downfall!)
-I need to pay attention to the "why" behind the other words..."why do I want to eat more after I have already eaten a meal?" usually it is because I am lonely and I need to turn off the lights in the kitchen, and occupy myself with something else. Sometimes I need to go to bed. I don't eat in my bedroom so that is a safe place.
-A piece of gum goes a long way! If I am feeling hungry while I am cooking I chew a piece of gum and am able to curb the craving until the meal is prepared. I highly recommend keeping gum close at hand all times.

I am looking forward towards progress. I have been working out almost every day because Kyle has been home for Christmas break and he has a month membership to the gym. He is great company!

I am also starting a new weight loss challenge that is a 12 week challenge. I can't wait for the first weigh in (January 1st) and for the sucess that will surely come because I am challenging myself!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Cat is out of the Bag now!

I realize that most of you have seen this pictures from our Christmas cards but I thought I would post our FIRST OFFICIAL WHOLE FAMILY PHOTO!!! I was so happy with Karen who not only had reasonable prices but also was so patient and caring with our family! She is great to work with!

We gave a big picture of all of my family PLUS my brothers and sisters(and chelsea!!! LOL)to my mom and dad for christmas and she was brought to tears. I think that she was happy with the surprise! I highly recommend photos for moms!!! It will be hard to top this year! But then again...making your mom cry shouldn't be the major criteria for gifts right?

Resolutions??? I prefer GOALS!

On another board that I frequent they were asking people what their "resolutions" were for this year. Seeing as though this is a time of reflection on the past year there are many things that I think we did well. Transitioning has always been difficult for me and getting the girls into first grade at a new school proved to be less difficult than I thought. I also feel that the transition from four to five could have been much worse. For the most part I feel that we are on track with our girls as far as teaching them the value's behind the rules and always encouraging them to do their best and complimenting them on the things that they are doing well.

I am actually going to sit down with Sean and write out our goals for each of our children for this year! I think it is an important thing to do for us because our lives get so hectic that some things can just slip by(i.e learning to tie shoes). So as a family we are going to try some new things this year.

Here are a few of my goals(resolutions) for this year!

-I will make goal weight by April 25th(Kendell's first birthday!).
-I would like to keep some rainy day money in savings at all times.
-We will go on a family vacation.
-I am going to try to work on my self-esteem.
-I would like to write and STICK to a budget.
-I am going to be a better helpmate to my husband.
-I would like to take more photos and videotape of my kiddos.

Ok...that's it for now! I am sure I will come up with more!

Please post yours! I am interested in hearing about where your focus lies at the moment.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

My children were Captivated!

Tonight we had the honor of joining together as a family and enjoying the Willow Creek Christmas program at the satelite church in Crystal Lake. My dad called and invited us this afternoon and despite the weather we made it in perfect time to be up close to the "action".

The reason I tell you this is because CBS is televising the WILLOWCREEK CHRISTMAS PROGRAM on TV tomorrow night and Christmas morning. If you have a TIVO or DVR I highly recommend you tape it and watch it with your kiddos. Like I mentioned mine were captivated but more than that it opened up doors to talk to my kids about more than just the typical "Jesus was born" story which is so important...but only part of the story. This program really highlights that.

So...CBS 10:35 tomorrow night and 6:00 am on Christmas. The program is called Imagine Christmas From the Beginning.(I found it on my tivo by name)

May you all have a truly meaningful Christmas! I pray that each of you are blessed more than you could have imagined this Christmas not by gifts but by the gift that was given to us over 2000 years ago.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Just FYI...I am not sure who this will matter to... but

our school district is moving to all day kindergarten next year. I heard from a very reliable source(teacher within the kindergarten)that the teachers have just had their first meetings about the change and they will be starting with limited classes as full day. YOUR CHILD DOES NOT HAVE TO BE AT A LOWER LEVEL. All children can be included.

Also wanted to add...they have a new grant within the district that allows for ALL KIDS to receive FREE pre-k. This will be great for those of us who pay for a pre-k program b/c our children tested out of the district pre-k. What it really means for me is that K4 will have the opportunity to go to pre-k without an extra expense to our family! The teachers HAVE to be certified pre-k teachers NOT just a teaching certificate or some credits in college.

I know that some of the pre-k classes are going off campus and if you know what school my girls go to...that's where they are going.

If you want more info call me or email me. If you have a 3 year old or a 4 year old now you probably could get them in for spring semester. I know they have availability.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Here is an email that I got from Kyle this morning. NIU has been shut down today due to the threats made. Please pray for the safety of the students and facility, and for the heart of those who made the threats.

The following is an NIU Official Message:


Details: NIU officials are investigating a threat posted late Saturday evening in a campus residence hall which included a racial slur and references to the Virginia Tech shootings.

Written in black ink on a restroom wall in the Grant Towers D complex were two separate entries claiming that "things will change most hastily" in the final days of the current semester.

"Tell those n---ers to go home," the first entry reads. "ME / OUT ... Die Sem Burr 10th ... Hmz Sdn Cr." Officials believe the text message-style shorthand refers to "December 10" and "Holmes Student Center." Underlined letters within the first entry spell out the word "WATCH."

Following the initial entry is a second set of comments reading "What time? The VA tech shooters messed up w/ having only one shooter ..."

University leaders have notified all students, faculty and staff about the threats through postings on the NIU website, all-campus email, voicemail, fliers and area news media. Security in and around the residence halls, student center and other campus buildings has also been increased, and the campus remains under a security alert through the end of the semester.

Additional communications and offers of assistance for students, faculty, staff and visitors will continue throughout the week. Updated information will be provided as it becomes available on the university website at .

"My primary concern is for the safety of all members of our campus community, and to that end, we will err on the side of caution in all our actions," said NIU President John Peters. "We will not tolerate threats against individuals or groups," Peters said, "nor will we tolerate 'hate speech' of any type on this campus."

Final exams will proceed as scheduled, and university officials said students and staff should remain "calm but vigilant." Anyone with information about the threats is urged to contact the NIU Tipline at (815) 753-TIPS, or their local Crimestoppers or law enforcement agency.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's easier than it seems...

Kendell has yet to have a jar of baby food. She has had MANY MANY cubes though!

Above is a picture of me preparing peas for Kendell. I have found that this process is not only really easy but SO cost effective. For example...I went to Trader Joe's and spent $15 on organic fruits and veggies(carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peas, green beans, pears, and apples). I had everything else that I needed to make the food already in my pantry.

For example...the process for carrots is-

Boil the carrots in water on the stove until they are super soft. Add them to magic bullet, food processor or blender(I used blender)and puree until they are as smooth as a creamy soup. You then transfer the puree into ice cube trays and cover with aluminum foil. Be sure to label the aluminum foil with the type of food and the date(I have mixed up a few items), and freeze for 24 hours. You then pop out the cubes into freezer bags.

When it comes time to feed just take one or two cubes out and put them into a bowl and thaw away. I usually take my cubes out around lunchtime for a dinner-ish feeding. Then I don't have to warm them in the microwave. I add a whole grain cereal like rice or oatmeal to the individual cubes to thicken them(Kendell likes it pretty thick!).

The $15 dollars that I spent at Trader Joes has lasted me over a month. I do add a yogurt every morning which does cost more, but I think it is pretty important.

Kendell is growing so fast! She just popped her first tooth through and is now crawling. I can't believe how fast she is doing things! I think she is trying to catch up to her sisters.

Have a great day!!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Need some ideas??? This might help

Here are my fav's by age group(up to what I have!).

0-6 months- Manhattan Toys Tizoo

6-12 months- Vtech Crawl Ball

12-18 months- Playskool Ball Popper

2 Years - LeapFrog Fridge Farm

3 Years - Cranium Hullabaloo

4 Years - Vtech Vsmile

5 Years - Vtech Digital Camera

6-7 Years - Cosmic Catch

I've Been Tagged!

Reindeer Games

I was tagged by Becki to complete this survey!

1. Do you put up a real tree or artificial? Real!

2. When do you put up your tree? Usually not the weekend RIGHT after Thanksgiving but the weekend after. We put up our tree yesterday.

3. When do you take down the tree? I would take it down on Christmas Day but Sean won't let I take it down the day after...I beat all my neighbors to the street!

4. Do you like eggnog? If yes, spiked or not? Yes! I don't know if I have had spiked eggnog. Perhaps I could find some to try. I am sure I would like it though.

5. Favorite gift received as a child? I had a doll where you pumped her arm and her hair grew back into her head and then you put her other arm up and it grew out was pretty cool.

6. Worst Christmas gift ever received? I am not sure. Probably pajamas when I was a teenager.

7. Favorite Christmas movie? I like the Polar Express.

8. Have you ever recycled a present? Yes. If there is an outfit that is out of season for my kids I will give it to someone else who could use it.

9. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? We always eat at my moms...the usual meal which looks alot like the usual thanksgiving meal. I guess I would say Pie b/c I don't usually eat desserts unless there is an occasion.

10. Favorite Christmas song? Wow...there are so many. I like O' Holy Night, especially sung by a pure voice.

11.Most annoying thing about this time of year? PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO WALK FAST!!! Actually...that is year round for me!

12. What you love most about the holiday? Remembering God's gifts to us all...not only in Baby Jesus but in the family that he has given and watching them open gifts. I love it when my kids display thankfullness! And not selfishness!

13. How many reindeer did Santa have? Yeah 9.

14. Best Christmas memory? Honestly...their is something SO special about being pregnant at Christmas. I remember being VERY pregnant with the twins on Christmas and really just feeling so blessed(and anxious!)

15. If you could have one Christmas wish what would it be? That my kids will SEE IN ME the true meaning of Christmas remembered. And that they will share in that passion!