My not so popular opinion.

Monday, March 31, 2008

We are back to...normal?

Well after the pause in our lives of spring break, the twins are back at school today. And although I did really enjoy having them home there is just something about getting my routine back. Those of you who know me well know that I just don't do change well.

We had a great Easter at my parents house! All of the kids were very well fed thanks to my mom and had a fun time collecting eggs during Auntie Tara's Annual Egg Hunt(she really likes doing this!). Joel and Chelsea were in Vegas so they were missed and Kyle stayed at school(like come on Kyle...its only 45 minutes away!!!).

The greatest news of our week was that KYLA GOT INTO ALL DAY KINDERGARTEN!!!!!!!

WOO HOO!!!!!! I promise you that I am not excited about this because of selfish motives. We don't pay for childcare or anything so this doesn't mean that we are saving money per month because she is in school for a longer amount of time.

I am just so excited for her because this will give her a greater foundation for reading and because she is SO ready! She has been tail ending off of Kellyn and Kiara ever since she knew of them and is already learning her site words. She is super excited but mostly because she "likes meeting new people". No joke...she told me so!

Gracie is pretty excited about Kendell's upcomming birthday party and has been chanting "Party, Party" over and over again anytime I mention it. It is pretty funny and we don't know where she picked it up.

I have been pretty busy with Uppercase Living. Hollie and Stephanie recently posted on their blogs about their new expressions for their homes. I am excited about the 11 open houses that I have in the next two months and am sure that I will be tacking on quite a few more!!! I seriously LOVE doing this. I really do enjoy the feeling of assisting people in personalizing their homes to fit them!

So that is my update! I have alot going on right now...lots of school PTO stuff, UL stuff, and Mommy stuff!!!! Thanks for hanging in there with me!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Huh...and I thought these were hoaxes...

Well...I have been reading a blog called Money Saving Mom that Alicia passed along to me when there was a cloth diapering discussion going on and I have to say...I am quite impressed.

In fact one of her suggestions on making extra income was to sign up with Cash Crate

She gets actual paper checks per month from them. I signed up...and sure enough...I am accumulating cash. WOW...something like $15 on my first day, but I figure if I were to devote 1 hour of late night time I might be able to cash in $10/day. Who knows. I might not be able to accumulate that much but it wouldn't hurt to try!

She also talks about CVS deals of the week, so if you are into that type of thing it is quite worth a read! All good stuff!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Our car's improvements!!!

Some of you have certainly seen this on my car by now...but if not I thought I would share it with you! This is yet another way that Uppercase Living can personalize your life!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just another soft reminder

I have debated putting this saying on one of my walls. It is quite appropriate for many of my days, and I love how it is done on soft pink streaked canvas with brown ribbon. Its a good one!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Updates and my Love/Hate Relationship

Well...I didn't realize that it has been so long since I updated my blog. I have been reading and posting comments on the other blogs that I frequent but I have been keeping busy with many things.

We have been sick just like every other family that we know but I feel blessed to report that we didn't have to go to the doctor.(You don't know how much I HATE going to the doctor) We are all feeling better and my house is getting back to "normal".

Yesterday was Sean's birthday and yet again he turned into an "old man"...that is until November when I turn 28 as well and then he is very young. I tried to explain to the girls what a "foagy" was last night and I think they thought I was pretty strange...I also called myself a "spring chicken" in which they laughed! We are going to Timber Ridge Resort on Sunday and staying in a two room loft suite! It is one of their hot rate nights so we are getting about $100 off the rate. Just about makes it livable! The kids love the resort and there is a full kitchen. Sean and I are going to houlihans on Sunday night(my sister Tara is going too)so the kids will eat pizza from home for dinner and we can save cost there too.

I am doing well with Uppercase Living. I have 11 open houses booked right now and can't wait to get to do this weekends open houses! I never would have thought that I would have liked to do this so much. I am actually having a good time using some of my demonstrator credit to come up with fun hostess gifts and display items. That is pretty fun! I can't wait until garage sale season so that I can get some fun trinket-y things to use for my display's.

Kendell is almost one. I can't believe it. She is crawling, pulling herself and trying to walk from the couch off into the livingroom. It is much like letting go of the wall of a deep pool, not knowing if you can swim. She is certainly not "great" at her attempts yet but I know she will be walking soon! I am procrastinating buying her another car seat, but am open to suggestions on which one to buy. I had a britax in my online "cart" many times and just couldn't hit the buy button. I am afraid I am buying on the trend again and I can't help but hear Sean's voice "you are going to spend how much on a car seat???", so I will do some more research...and hopefully she will have a car seat prior to her birthday.

I am interested in the CVS thing but think I would like to go with someone to see how you are doing this.

Ummm...I hate winter. But this isn't a new thing. I have always loathed this time...get to spring already.

And on to my love/hate is with running. I HATE TO RUN but Love the mindgame. In fact I know that by the end of the day today I will have run. I can feel it. Even though it is snowing...I am "itching" to get out. In fact if Sean was here I would be out already. Hmmmm...I wonder if this is some sort of disorder.

Ok...well...I think I am done. I wish I was working tonight. Did I mention I love working?