Well this has certainly been a month of blessings!
I don't know that I have really spent alot of my adult life really soaking in God's blessings. I am not a "stop to smell the roses" type of person. There is a drive in me to always keep moving, keep busy, keep active etc.
When I started Uppercase in February I had no idea just how much God would bless me through it. I know you are probably sick of hearing about my business and please understand that I am not writing this as a sales pitch. I am blessed by the customers that I have and by the encouragement of my friends and that is why I let everyone know what is going on.
So...back in February, I moved on what I thought would be a good business move for ME. Not really because of anything other than selfish motivation. I wanted to try to do something that I thought I "could" be good at and could bring in money for frivelous things...such as entertainment for our family(things that typically aren't in a strict budget).
But...God has moved me. I don't remember exactly the moment but I do know that God urged me to "give this to him". Just like he wants us to give everything to him...he wanted even my business. I know that I was trying to do it all on my own. Balancing kids, volunteering, working out AND my new business was something that I just thought I could do. And I didn't think GOD wanted to be a part of something as trivial as "wall stickers".
So...back to when it hit me. I was reading some blogs about Adoption and wondering why it was that everytime I turned around I got bombarded with another story about Adoption. It was almost weird. Then
Stephanie wrote about her new baby who awaits her in Ethiopia and that's when it hit me. God kept bringing me to Poplar Grove. I joke that I sell uppercase in Poplar Grove every other week. But on my way to Poplar Grove God laid it on my heart to tithe to Stephanie and Josh off of my Uppercase profits. And ever since my first month, I have been following his will by donating to their "chip in" button their blog.
With that being said I can tell you that God has blessed me beyond what I could have imagined!
This past quarter(April,May and June) I was the TOP saleswoman for our team of UL demonstrators(around 350). THE TOP!!!!! I almost couldn't believe it when I saw it! There are some BIG names in this line...people with hundreds of demonstrators who they have recruited. And little old me from Woodstock Illinois had top sales? Hmmmm.....that is kinda strange!
On top of my sales being great(btw...my sales have only gotten better this quarter), I have recruited 4 others to join my team which means that on August 1st I will be promoted to Senior Demonstrator. With that title change I will make a greater percentage of profit and earn more points towards my free cruise.
I am so pleasantly surprised at what God is doing. My marriage is growing, my children are teaching me how to be patient ;), and these woman whom I am meeting and learning more about are reminding me about God's call in my own life. To do something greater than the average person. To model God's love. And that my friends...is why I am so very blessed!