I would do this...like the sheep that I am!!! Baaaaaa!
Everyone knows I can't pass one up...
Accent: Yes. Well kinda. Ok...no.
Book that I like: I am reading Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall. So far...very good!
Chore I don’t care for: I will go with ANY! Chore?? Bad word!
Dog or Cat: Dog, Cat's remember everything!
Essential Electronics: TIVO
Favorite Cologne: I like the Armani cologne that I bought Sean last year...I don't remember the name though
Gold or Silver: Silver please!
Handbag I carry most often: my Uppercase Living Bag
Insomnia: Nope, even with TONS of coffee.
Job Title: Mom, Wife, and UL Demonstrator
Kids: 5, All girls, All start with K
Living Arrangements: We live in a duplex
Most Admirable Trait: Hmmmm....I can be pretty funny sometimes.(at least I think so)
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Not bringing home my report cards.
Overnight hospital stays: Only with the K's
Phobias: I prefer to call it anxiety
Quote: The best things in life aren't things.
Religion: I check yes.
Siblings: I am the oldest of five. It went girl, boy, girl, boy, Leah.
Time I wake up: That depends on the day.
Unusual Talent or Skill: Hmmmm.....I dunno
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: I don't know that there is one...maybe one of the hard squashes?
Worst Habit: Biting my nails.
X-rays: Yes...I have had some. Legs and Tailbone.
Yummy Stuff: Chinese and Mexican!
Zoo Animal I Like Most: Owl?