We are back to...normal?
Well after the pause in our lives of spring break, the twins are back at school today. And although I did really enjoy having them home there is just something about getting my routine back. Those of you who know me well know that I just don't do change well.
We had a great Easter at my parents house! All of the kids were very well fed thanks to my mom and had a fun time collecting eggs during Auntie Tara's Annual Egg Hunt(she really likes doing this!). Joel and Chelsea were in Vegas so they were missed and Kyle stayed at school(like come on Kyle...its only 45 minutes away!!!).
The greatest news of our week was that KYLA GOT INTO ALL DAY KINDERGARTEN!!!!!!!
WOO HOO!!!!!! I promise you that I am not excited about this because of selfish motives. We don't pay for childcare or anything so this doesn't mean that we are saving money per month because she is in school for a longer amount of time.
I am just so excited for her because this will give her a greater foundation for reading and because she is SO ready! She has been tail ending off of Kellyn and Kiara ever since she knew of them and is already learning her site words. She is super excited but mostly because she "likes meeting new people". No joke...she told me so!
Gracie is pretty excited about Kendell's upcomming birthday party and has been chanting "Party, Party" over and over again anytime I mention it. It is pretty funny and we don't know where she picked it up.
I have been pretty busy with Uppercase Living. Hollie and Stephanie recently posted on their blogs about their new expressions for their homes. I am excited about the 11 open houses that I have in the next two months and am sure that I will be tacking on quite a few more!!! I seriously LOVE doing this. I really do enjoy the feeling of assisting people in personalizing their homes to fit them!
So that is my update! I have alot going on right now...lots of school PTO stuff, UL stuff, and Mommy stuff!!!! Thanks for hanging in there with me!