Is this your journal???
Last night at the twins school we had the pleasure of meeting and listening to an ACTUAL author named Coral Tulloch. Her warm heart and fantastic accent was inspiring as we listened to her speak about her time in Antartica, her writing and her illustrating. We also heard about her little mouse(stuffed animal)named Sydney whom has been lost. When she was taking photographs in Antartica, Coral set Sydney down(sydney went EVERYWHERE with her)and forgot to go back for Sydney(the mouse). She has since been back to the place where Sydney was forgotten and searched for the mouse but to no avail! There has been numerous "search" groups(more like tourist groups) that have also looked for Sydney but Sydney. But that is not why I am writing about her.
I am writing about her because she reminded me something that I think I have forgotten...yet again. I don't know why it is, but for some reason I *think* that I will remember all the stages of my childrens lives. I think that I have supernatural powers that will just come into action when I want to remember what it was like to have them sleeping on my chest or when they say funny things.
But I know better. I know that...I have forgotten alot of what it was like that cold winter day when Kellyn made her way slowly into the world and Kiara...much quicker ;) I think I see that day in black in white and am constantly trying to flip back in my mind to be able to see it in color, but I just can't get there. That is just one of the memories that I don't want to let go of. It actually makes me sad that I don't remember as vividly as I thought I would.
So...back to Reading night....Coral Tulloch reminded me that I NEED to write down or journal my memories. No matter how trivial they seem. In fact, I am going to start asap. Coral showed us her journals. She uses blank(non lined)big journals so that she could add pictures, drawings, etc. I think it would be great to start each journal with a tracing of my girls hands or have them illustrate the entries where we went somewhere special.
All I know...I don't want all my memories to fade to black and white.