My not so popular opinion.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Is this your journal???

Last night at the twins school we had the pleasure of meeting and listening to an ACTUAL author named Coral Tulloch. Her warm heart and fantastic accent was inspiring as we listened to her speak about her time in Antartica, her writing and her illustrating. We also heard about her little mouse(stuffed animal)named Sydney whom has been lost. When she was taking photographs in Antartica, Coral set Sydney down(sydney went EVERYWHERE with her)and forgot to go back for Sydney(the mouse). She has since been back to the place where Sydney was forgotten and searched for the mouse but to no avail! There has been numerous "search" groups(more like tourist groups) that have also looked for Sydney but Sydney. But that is not why I am writing about her.

I am writing about her because she reminded me something that I think I have forgotten...yet again. I don't know why it is, but for some reason I *think* that I will remember all the stages of my childrens lives. I think that I have supernatural powers that will just come into action when I want to remember what it was like to have them sleeping on my chest or when they say funny things.

But I know better. I know that...I have forgotten alot of what it was like that cold winter day when Kellyn made her way slowly into the world and Kiara...much quicker ;) I think I see that day in black in white and am constantly trying to flip back in my mind to be able to see it in color, but I just can't get there. That is just one of the memories that I don't want to let go of. It actually makes me sad that I don't remember as vividly as I thought I would.

So...back to Reading night....Coral Tulloch reminded me that I NEED to write down or journal my memories. No matter how trivial they seem. In fact, I am going to start asap. Coral showed us her journals. She uses blank(non lined)big journals so that she could add pictures, drawings, etc. I think it would be great to start each journal with a tracing of my girls hands or have them illustrate the entries where we went somewhere special.

All I know...I don't want all my memories to fade to black and white.

Monday, February 25, 2008

It went G-R-E-A-T!!!!!

I had my very first Uppercase Living open house on Saturday night. It was in Crystal Lake in the home of an old junior high friend who was interested immediatly when she saw the catalog at my friends twins birthday party. She is looking to get her stuff in prior to her son's birthday party at the end of march. went so well!!!! My demo's were great, people ordered and I booked two more open houses off of hers. All in all...great start! And I realized that I am really excited to be doing this. Everyone I show the catalog to is having no trouble finding something that they want in their home and now that I have two up in my own home...I just feel like our house is more "us". Especially with our name on the wall!

So...I figured I would share! If you are one of the ones coming on Friday to my house, I can't wait to see you!!!! And if you haven't received an invitation to an open house chances are pretty good that you are on my second list. I just couldn't invite 70 people on the same night!

Friday, February 22, 2008

And here is #2

Obviously in the girls room, over Kendell's bed! Love it! It is in electric green and goes well with their stripes!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It is up!!!

Here is a picture of the first Uppercase Living that I got on my wall. Sean and I put it up last night. It was much easier than I anticipated! Here is a picture.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Is it just me?

In the past week I have been feeling like I need to "purge" my house of everything that I am not using and get rid of my clutter.
Which leads me to everyone feeling this way?
I wonder if the sun being out later(anyone notice that?)is a true sign that although it is supposed to snow 10 inches here today...SPRING IS ON ITS WAY!!!!!

Is it just me? Are you feeling more motivated? Have you noticed a difference?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Too close...

Well the news is certainly out. And my brother is home safe. I talked with him minutes after the shooting and have talked with him a number of times since.

As I sit her quietly thinking today...I wonder. You brother has classes IN THAT CLASSROOM. He would have been there today.

We have been praying for his safety ever since the 12/10 threats cancelled finals. The threats that were made said that there would be death and that it would happen no matter what the officials did. And although I don't know if this man was the same who made those certainly rocks my world.

So now I ask you to pray again. Pray for the victims who are still in the hospitals, the families of those who didn't live. But please don't forget the students who will be in that classroom again. And the parents who are entrusting their children into the hands of a world that is filled with danger.

Also please pray for a girl named Jenna. I don't know if she has been accounted for but she is my brother's next door neighbor and was in the classroom where the shooter was.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Please Pray

There has been a shooting at Northern Illinois University. My brother is ok. That's all I know at the moment. They have cancelled classes for tomorrow and I am sure this will break on the news shortly. Pray for those kids....this changes their lives.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I am just not me...

Sean is in Florida. He has been there since Sunday night. He is disney. I am trying my best to "hold things together" in the way that they should be but I am failing. I realized that I am just not me without him.

Not to mention...I am sick. And I think...could be getting worse. I just have this feeling of impending doom. Kendell has pink eye, I have pink eye...and now a soar throat and a feeling of "uh oh...this is going to turn into strep". Man...I hope not.

So I ask you to pray. Please pray that I can feel better quickly and that I will find the strength to make it to when Sean gets home. Also please pray that he flight actually will be able to take off! Lately with our weather it has been hit or miss as to whether or not flights can come in.

He should be home tomorrow night.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Starting out on a new adventure!

Last friday I signed up to be an uppercase living demonstrator! I am super excited about it. This is a brand new home party line which sells "looks like you spent hours stenciling on your walls" decals. I don't know about you but for me...the idea of freehanding words on my walls is S-C-A-R-Y!!! This is a great and affordable option for poeple like me!

Things are going well so far! This morning I set up my first actual "in someones house" party. I have three other people who are already interested in picking out dates and have three open houses here TBA so that people can actually try out the product and look through the extensive catalog.

I am sure many of you who are reading this will be invited to an open house shortly. For those who are furthur away, and you want to know what I am talking about... go to
then go to customer care login
demonstrator #901399
Key Code - Carey

Maybe you will find something that catches your eye ;)

Here are some articles that I found that talk more about the products and show you actual usage!

Monday, February 11, 2008

My mom is O-L-D!!!!!

And if she were to read my blog she would laugh that I said that.

Today is my moms birthday. I won't tell you how old she is because if the word did get out that I posted her actual age on the internet...I don't know that she would be too pleased! Lets just say...she isn't 50. But she is awfully close!!!!! LOL

My mom rocks! She is more than a mother but I would consider her one of my very best friends. And I am not just saying that. She is able to know what I am thinking and why I am thinking it. She is an awesome example of a healthy lifestyle.`

She loves my kids and they love her. She always thinks of others first and is caring and loving. She gets along with everyone and is a team player. She is a fantastic cook and help mate for my dad.

She remembers important events in our lives and always asks me "how things went". She is a great shopping partner.

And if there was something wrong...she would be right by my side.

I can only pray to be as effective in "almost 50 years" of life. She is such a blessing in mine.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I have been encouraged lately...

by people who are either wanting to know more about Weight Watchers or are doing it because they have seen the results that I have had. I knew that I had a hard time accepting compliments but it is becomming something that I am confronted with every time I leave the house. I am getting better with just saying "thank you" instead of making excuses why I don't deserve the compliment. But that's not really the point of this post...

I did want to share with you a list of 10 food items that I couldn't do my day without.

1.Fiber One Cereal(1/2 cup 0 points)-This is the one that looks like the plain bran cereal. I am all about how much fiber I am taking in per day and this helps my body kick start in the morning. I eat this every morning.

2. splenda or artificial sweetener(0 points). I add artificial sweetener to my coffee every morning. Very helpful that I am not counting points for it!

3. skim milk(1 cup=2 points) Not only do I pour 1/8 cup in my cereal and 1/4 cup in my coffee but I also get some of my dairy servings this way. I am still nursing Kendell so I need to make sure that I get enough dairy.

4. Dannor Fit & Light Yogurt Blueberry(6 oz. = 1 pt) I typically add this to my breakfast to also get another dairy serving but to fill me up enough to carry me through lunch.

5. Premium Romain Salad Mix (3 cups= 1pt). I eat salad for either my lunch meal or my dinner meal. I prefer this one because it has some added veggies.

6. Honey Ham Lunch Meat (points depending on brand typically 1/2 package for 2-3 points). I add this to my salad. I need to be paying attention to how much protein I am eating so this adds some to my day.

7. Blue Cheese Crumbles (1 Tbsp= 1.5 pts). I add this to my salad also. Big flavor from not too much points.

8. Lean Cuisine Frozen Meals. (4-8 points depending on which one you choose) I usually eat one of these as my other meal. My favorites lately are the ones with the blue labels. They are made with whole grains(again...the fiber thing)and flavors that are different. My absolute favorite is butternut squash ravio(7pts.) Sounds gross right??? So tasty! Lots of ravioli and veggies in a light alfredo sauce!!!!

9.Hummus(1/4 cup= 2pts.)I make my own out of the newest Weight Watchers Complete cookbook. I typically eat it with some cut up celery or carrots. SO YUMMY!!!!

10. Weight Watchers Ice Cream Cups(1 cup= 2pts.) I know Beth was grossed out but I haven't had that reaction. I like the Chocolate Brownie cup and the Cookie Dough Cup.

So those are my picks for now. One other thing...if you haven't tried the new Fiber One Caramel Bar(2pts.)it is really good! Almost like a healthy option for a granola bar or candy bar!

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