Update on my weight loss journey!
Well...I realized that it has been quite awhile since I last updated you on my journey(10/3 was last mention), so I thought I would update you on my struggles and sucesses!
I am excited to report that since my last post I am down another 11.4 pounds! That is with the CRAZY holiday eating!
I ate what I wanted during Christmas and although I know that I ate things that weren't "on program" for me I have learned a few things about myself in the process-
-it is ok to enjoy holiday foods as long as you eat in moderation.
-I am not afraid to gain a pound because I know that my body is in a place where it can burn it off relatively quickly.
-THROW OUT THE CHOCOLATE!!!(seriously...my major downfall!)
-I need to pay attention to the "why" behind the hunger...in other words..."why do I want to eat more after I have already eaten a meal?" usually it is because I am lonely and I need to turn off the lights in the kitchen, and occupy myself with something else. Sometimes I need to go to bed. I don't eat in my bedroom so that is a safe place.
-A piece of gum goes a long way! If I am feeling hungry while I am cooking I chew a piece of gum and am able to curb the craving until the meal is prepared. I highly recommend keeping gum close at hand all times.
I am looking forward towards progress. I have been working out almost every day because Kyle has been home for Christmas break and he has a month membership to the gym. He is great company!
I am also starting a new weight loss challenge that is a 12 week challenge. I can't wait for the first weigh in (January 1st) and for the sucess that will surely come because I am challenging myself!