So...we were walking home from the library
and we happend to pass a garbage man as he was loading about 8 bags of stinky trash into the over head slinger thingy...
And the girls were all plugging their noses and saying "PEE YOU" as we walked by. SO...of course I had to squash that so that they didn't offend the poor man, so when we were a bit quieter and a little up wind of the man I started talking to them about the importance of the garbage man. Which I must admit...they already understood but obviously needed to be "re-introduced" if you will to the polite way of appreciating the man.
So this then sparked a very short conversation about how K2 didn't want to be a garbage man when she grew up. To which I said..."you can be whatever you choose" which prompted her to say "I want to be a POP STAR when I grow up". Well that caused me to roll my eyes but say "that would be great" and then K1 turned around(she was running ahead) and yelled "I want to be a DRAMA QUEEN". And that of course was the punchline to my long rant. I thought it was pretty hilarious that no one had explained to her that being a DRAMA QUEEN wasn't always the best thing...and in fact I already have more than one Drama Queen in my house!