My not so popular opinion.

Friday, June 29, 2007

So...we were walking home from the library

and we happend to pass a garbage man as he was loading about 8 bags of stinky trash into the over head slinger thingy...

And the girls were all plugging their noses and saying "PEE YOU" as we walked by. SO...of course I had to squash that so that they didn't offend the poor man, so when we were a bit quieter and a little up wind of the man I started talking to them about the importance of the garbage man. Which I must admit...they already understood but obviously needed to be "re-introduced" if you will to the polite way of appreciating the man.

So this then sparked a very short conversation about how K2 didn't want to be a garbage man when she grew up. To which I said..."you can be whatever you choose" which prompted her to say "I want to be a POP STAR when I grow up". Well that caused me to roll my eyes but say "that would be great" and then K1 turned around(she was running ahead) and yelled "I want to be a DRAMA QUEEN". And that of course was the punchline to my long rant. I thought it was pretty hilarious that no one had explained to her that being a DRAMA QUEEN wasn't always the best thing...and in fact I already have more than one Drama Queen in my house!

I am absolutly entrigued by a gay man!!!

It really is a guilty pleasure really...but I just LOVE watching Ross the intern from the Tonight Show. LOVE IT! He was also on celebrity fit club and lost lots of weight. But now because of our high speed I am able to watch him on his BLOG!!! It is pretty addicting I must admit. I don't know for sure why it is that I love him...perhaps it is because he is so girly...but I do. So...if you aren't terribly offended by gay men...check it out. He is pretty funny.

Oh and also on a side note...if you are watching PIRATE MASTER what did you think last night when Louie(or Uncle Louis as he is known in the DiCicco family)almost got booted off the boat. I was so scared!!!! I want him to win! But really I think that even if I didn't know about the family connection I would still want him to win. He is being portrayed as a great guy. Loyal, Fair and fun. He must be a great uncle. Oh...and I think he should visit our church! The twins would LOVE it! So...sorry to ramble...that was my side note!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Oh and another thing...

Has anyone heard of the newest craze in footwear??? No...I am not talking about Crocs! I am talking about Fit Flops! They are supposed to give you a work out while walking! I read somewhere that they were designed by a businesswoman who was feeling like she couldn't fit a workout into her day so she thought it would be great to design a shoe that would give you a workout while you walked to work. I know that they are available in the UK and backordered in the US until 8/10/07. I just might buy a pair if I can find some stuff to sell! LOL!

What do you think? Would you try them?

A New Belvidere?

There is a new zoo opening up in Belvidere. It is called the Summerfield Farm and Zoo and it is opening its doors for the first time on Saturday. To summarize the article...A family who was raising exotics and Arabian Horses for shows has decided to open their "zoo" for the public. The cost is $8 for adults; $5 for children and the proceeds will directly benefit the animals $70,000 annual food cost. The hours are 10am to 5pm. For more information go to or 815-547-4852

On a side note..for those who know me...I LOVE zoos! There is something special to me about smaller less commercialized zoos. Perhaps the atmosphere of something unique is intriguing to me. In fact before dh and I had kiddo's we would frequent the FREE Racine Zoo which if you have never been is worth the drive! I know this isn't a free zoo but now a days...with the price of excites me to see that there just might be an alternative to Milwaukee or Chicago! So...if anyone is interested in coming along we just might be headed out to check this zoo out soon!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pray for Kaleb.

Some of you may have heard about Kaleb. He is the toddler who was recently shaken by his babysitter and is in the hospital coming out of a coma. I thought I would share with you his mom's blog and his support bracelet blog just in case you wanted to buy a bracelet. His parents are strong in their faith and I am joining with them in praying for the miraculous healing of their son.

Kaleb's mom's blog.
Kaleb's support bracelet blog

Friday, June 8, 2007

Here's the your own caption!

I can think of so many different one liners that could go with this pic! Lets hear what you are thinking!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Yet another emotional day.

Today is the last day of kindergarten for K1 and K2. They are ready for 1st grade in fact they are looking forward to it like it was Christmas! I on the other hand am reminded once again that I don't do well with change. I am looking forward to this summer b/c I will have more time with them(I will probably regret saying that in a few weeks when the house is much messier b/c I couldn't keep up with all of them!) and I think we have some great fun learning activities planned.
Yesterday my brother Kyle graduated from High School. Yes that was another really hard GULP! I was 9 when he was born. I was the one he tagged around with in the house when he was three b/c my mom had just had another baby. He was my buddy. And now he is going to college! I can't believe it. This day was going to come just like the twins completing kindergarten but I am still not ready!!! How do I remember all the things that they are doing. How do I remember what their little hands feel like pressed into mine, or all the crazy annoying songs that they sing. This is just going too fast.