My not so popular opinion.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Ok, I have searched the web with no answers so I was hoping someone out there might be able to help!

I am looking for a kids cooking class for my two almost 8 year olds. One of them is particularily fond of cooking and chooses to watch the food network over Hannah Montana(weird...I know!). The other one although seems interested in helping isn't as obsessed.

So, do you know of a class??? Do you know someone who would be willing to do classes???

I know...I should be doing this...and I do. I let them help with different dishes and non-frozen ;) items, but I know that if they went to a class they might get a different experience!

So, please!!!! If you know...leave me a comment!



Blogger Rebecca said...

I don't see anything local. Probably because something like that might not survive out in these parts. If you're willing to travel once in awhile....

Hope you find something that works! Or maybe a private instructor :>)

Dec 15, 2008, 4:24:00 PM  
Blogger Braff Zackton said...

Hey I googled kids and cooking and I found this: This is copy and pasted from their website. Comrades: Tired of your pre-teens wasting away all their free time when they arrive home from the car battery plant, their army training, or the local plutonium enrichment facility? Want an activity for them that glorifies the Motherland and the rich history of Comrade Lenin, Comrade Stalin, and Marx? If so then you must send your pre-teen or small child to the Soviet Union Cooking Camp. The Soviet Cooking Camp or SCC is located just 40 kilometers north of beautiful Norilsk, the second largest city above the Artic Circle and the heart of cultural Siberia. Your small child will enjoy the very best cooking instruction the Party has, featuring head instructor Colonial Imran Zakhaev. Twice awarded the Order of Lenin and a Hero of the Soviet Union Colonial Zakhaev is known as the Butcher of Kursk for his heroic part in the defeat of the Wermacht in the Battle of Kursk in 1943. Colonial Zakhaev heroically beat the Germans with his T34 tank and delighted his troops with his beet soup. Frozen in a cryogenic chamber since 1945 he has been unfrozen to unleash his culinary teachings upon a new generation of Soviet children. At the Soviet Cooking Camp we strongly believe in the CCCP of Soviet cooking ingredients. Carrots, Celery, Coyotes, Pacifists. We currently have several openings for our Winter 09 term, and a spot can be reserved with just one easy payment of 270 Rubles. Contact your local Political Officer if interested and remember, all of our openings will be filled, whether you like it or not.
You should think about it, 270 Rubles is about ten dollars.

Dec 16, 2008, 5:30:00 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

oh my gosh...i am crying from laughing so hard

Dec 16, 2008, 8:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My kids love cooking too. Have you looked at your local parks and rec??

Dec 19, 2008, 11:53:00 AM  
Blogger Annie said...

Well, in our area (Michigan) both the Park and Recreation offer them and the Community College (in the summer). How about 4-H? My mom started a 4-H club so I could learn to sew with my friends. And the next year there was cooking.

Dec 22, 2008, 5:20:00 AM  
Blogger junglemama said...

Yeah it is called Cooking with Mommmy 101, LOL. That's what I would do.

Dec 27, 2008, 9:03:00 AM  

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