My not so popular opinion.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Spinnoff of Hollie's Journaling post.

Ok...I have been thinking about Hollie's post about journaling for weight loss and came across this thread on the Weight Watchers website. I was looking at the matience thread for inspiration(matience is for those who are at goal weight and just "maintaining"). I find that reading about their sucess really helps me focus on my goal. is the list of questions with some descriptions that I added.

NOTE: This is not my writing. This comes from the message boards at
I have however written my own descriptions of what the origional poster was talking about for your clarity. I have highlighted my thoughts in green.

This thread is for any Lifer who is "over it" and wants to reclaim their goal weight. I am 13 lbs. over my goal weight, and I am going to be checking into this tread each day to record the following:
1. Did I follow the Good Health Guidelines? Y/N WW has a list of Good Health Guidlines that include-drinking enough water, taking your vitamin, eating enough vegetables, eating two servings of dairy, activity.....I think that is all.
2. Did I journal? Y/N This is "physically" writing down the food that you consume either on paper or paper and then transferred to the computer program which is on
3. Activity: As easy as it sounds...did you excersize?
4. Was I good to myself today? Example: This would be the place to focus on your mental outlook. To make sure that even if you didn't bash yourself. This would also be the place to mention that you "treated" yourself to something...i.e. fancy coffee.
5. What was one thing I did well today? Easy Enough!
6. What is one thing I can do better tomorrow? Easy Enough again!
7. What will my non-food reward be this week if I lose or do my best after weigh-in? Focusing on rewarding yourself with something that isn't food related is a good thing for those who center their rewards around food.
8. What is my mini-goal for this week? Real basic goal.
9. What is my overall goal? Big picture goal.

I know that I have several friends who are lifetime and struggling after a few years, and I also know that support is one of the essential tools that helped me to be successful on this program. Let's support each other and remember that we have the tools to do this, AGAIN, and we will succeed!

So here is mine filled out for all of you to see!!! GASP!!!

1. Did I follow the Good Health Guidelines? Yes
2. Did I journal? Yes
3. Activity: Aerobics 40 minutes with core stregnth excersize.
4. Was I good to myself today? Example: I enjoyed baking a big cookie for a dinner tomorrow with the girls.
5. What was one thing I did well today? I was on program and WAY under points.
6. What is one thing I can do better tomorrow? I can focus on eating well during the family dinner that we have planned.
7. What will my non-food reward be this week if I lose or do my best after weigh-in? Oh...I would love a massage!!! Or even to buy a new bottle of nail polish so that I have a fresh color!
8. What is my mini-goal for this week? To excersize every day and ENJOY it!
9. What is my overall goal? To lose the 50 more pounds that I have to lose by the end of January.

So there you have it folks!!! Pretty scary! But then was a pretty easy day. If Sean were gone it would be harder. I always eat more when I am lonely, and have a harder time being motivated.

If anyone ever has questions about what I am doing please feel free to ask. I would love to have someone join me at weight watchers or just in this journey that I am on!



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